Next service: March 27, 19:00

Translation and publishing

Translation of the "Catechism" by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev)

The Orthodox Ecclesiastical Mission in China translated for the needs of the Church some books of a faith doctrinal nature. Fulfilling needed, we are working on translating and publishing doctrinal books for Orthodox Christians in China.

Translation of the "Catechism" by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) is our new project. This book is a short guide to the Orthodox faith, well structured easy to read. The first section of the book explained the basic doctrine of theology of the Orthodox Church: it is about faith, about God, about Jesus Christ, about the Holy Spirit, about the Church, about baptism and about the resurrection of the dead. In the second section on moral themes, it speaks of the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament, of the Beatitudes, of the love of God and of love for one's neighbor, of sin and repentance, questions of family ethics, the upbringing of children, and the place of women in the Church. In the third section we are talking about prayer and worship, the church and icons, the church calendar and church holidays, the sacraments and rituals.

The book can be used for pre-fossil as well as post-catechetical catechesis. The publication will be interesting to everyone who wants to systematize their knowledge of the Orthodox Church.
Translation is carried out by the priest Anatoly Kung.


12 Orthodox Feasts – Chinese Edition

The China Orthodox Press is announcing the start of this project, which is aimed at making the worship on main Orthodox feasts accessible in Chinese, both in parishes where it is used for worship and for home prayers of Chinese laymen who are unable to attend the temple in holidays.

Upon completion of the project we will publish online and print in hardcopies twelve notebooks (28-32 pages each) with Chinese text and liturgical instructions of Holidays worship. Chinese text will be based on translations of the Beijing Orthodox Mission of the 19th century, substantially edited and revised to the standard of the contemporary liturgical language.

The project budget is 12,000 US dollars (translation, editing, typesetting, layout and printing of signal copies). We ask you to support this project. In gratitude, we will be happy to give a full set of Chinese texts of the services of the Twelfth Holidays to everyone who supports us with a donation of $ 200 or more.

You can support the project by transferring funds here

On the website we will regularly post a report on the amount of donations collected.


Publishing and printing Sunday Octoechos in Chinese

