Next service: July 27, 16:30

Schedule of Services

July 27 Saturday
16:30 — Panikhida (Memorial Service)
17:00 — All-Night Vigil

July 28 Sunday
5th Sunday after Pentecost; Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles, Great Prince Vladimir (in Baptism Basil), Enlightener of Russia († 1015) 10:00 — Divine Liturgy

July 30 Tuesday
19:00 — Prayer Service to the Most Holy Mother of God

July 31 Wednesday
Martyrs Emilian and Hyacinth of Amastris 09:00 — Matins

August 01 Thursday
19:00 — Vespers

August 02 Friday
Holy Glorious Prophet Elijah (9th C BC) 09:00 — Matins

August 03 Saturday
16:30 — Panikhida (Memorial Service)
17:00 — All-Night Vigil

August 04 Sunday
6th Sunday after Pentecost; Holy Myrrhbearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene (1st C) 10:00 — Divine Liturgy

August 06 Tuesday
19:00 — Prayer Service to the Most Holy Mother of God

August 07 Wednesday
Dormition of the Righteous Anna, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos 09:00 — Matins

August 08 Thursday
19:00 — Vespers

August 09 Friday
Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon († 305) 09:00 — Matins

August 10 Saturday
16:30 — Panikhida (Memorial Service)
17:00 — All-Night Vigil

August 11 Sunday
7th Sunday after Pentecost; Martyr Callinicus of Gangra in Asia Minor (Gangra; †4th century) 10:00 — Divine Liturgy

August 13 Tuesday
19:00 — Prayer Service to the Most Holy Mother of God

August 14 Wednesday
Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord 09:00 — Matins

August 15 Thursday
19:00 — Vespers

August 16 Friday
Venerable Isaac, Dalmatius and Faustus, Ascetics of the Dalmatian Monastery in Constantinople (4th-5th C) 09:00 — Matins

August 17 Saturday
16:30 — Panikhida (Memorial Service)
17:00 — All-Night Vigil

August 18 Sunday
8th Sunday after Pentecost; Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord 10:00 — Divine Liturgy
16:00 — All-Night Vigil

August 19 Monday
The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ 10:00 — Divine Liturgy

August 21 Wednesday
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord; First (1566) and Second (1992) Translation of the relics of the Venerable Zosima and Sabbatius of Solovki 09:00 — Matins

August 22 Thursday
19:00 — Vespers

August 23 Friday
Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord; Holy Martyr and Archdeacon Lawrence of Rome along with the Hieromartyr Sixtus, Pope of Rome and the Martyred Deacons Felicissimus, Agapitus, and Romanus († 258) 09:00 — Matins

August 24 Saturday
16:30 — Panikhida (Memorial Service)
17:00 — All-Night Vigil

August 25 Sunday
9th Sunday after Pentecost; Afterfeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord; Martyrs Photios and Anicletas of Nicomedia and many with them († 305-306) 10:00 — Divine Liturgy

August 27 Tuesday
18:00 — All-Night Vigil

August 28 Wednesday
The Dormition (Repose) of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary 10:00 — Divine Liturgy

August 29 Thursday
19:00 — Vespers

August 30 Friday
Afterfeast of the Dormition; Martyr Myron the Presbyter of Cyzicus († 250) 09:00 — Matins

August 31 Saturday
16:30 — Panikhida (Memorial Service)
17:00 — All-Night Vigil

September 01 Sunday
10th Sunday after Pentecost; Afterfeast of the Dormition; Martyr Andrew Stratelates and the 2,593 Martyrs with him in Cilicia († c. 284-305) 10:00 — Divine Liturgy
11:30 — Prayer Service for blessing of School year