Next service: March 27, 19:00

Current Projects

The Prologue from Ohrid: Lives of Saints

by St Nikolai Velimirovich, Bishop of Zica, Serbia (+1956)

聖尼克萊‧韋利米羅威奇的聖人生平,塞爾維亞Zica的主教(+1956 )

This is a non-profit project to translate the Prologue into Chinese to be freely distributable over the Internet with pastoral blessings of His Eminence, Metropolitan PHILIP of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America through the Order of St Ignatius of Antioch. The source text used is the New English translation of the Serbian Diocese with blessing by His Grace, the Right Reverend JOVAN, Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America, to assist in the translation effort. The Chinese translation is being made freely available online for anyone who is interested in helping give feedback on improving the translation or for devotional use for the glory of God. On a technical note, the Chinese translation should not be published alongside the copyrighted English text without the permission of the Serbian Church.The entry with Hymn of Praise, Reflection, Contemplation and Homily is currently available in English for all days and partly in Chinese here:  Prologue


You can support the project by offering donations here:

7,500 USD

75% of text completed

"Counsels from the Holy Mountain"

By request of the publishing house of the monastery of St. Anthony SAGOM Press the Orthodox Brotherhood of Apostles Saints Peter and Paul in Hong Kong begin a translation project of the spiritual heritage of Elder Ephraim of Arizona (Moraitis) (1928-2019), the founder of more than twenty Orthodox monasteries in North America.

'Counsels of the Holy Mountain'  will be the first step towards the implementation of this project and is a thematic selection of letters and conversations left after sixty years of his pastoral ministry. The life of Elder Ephraim was a constant and incessant prayer of the heart, and he directed all his activities to help people find this prayer and experience the experience of repentance and communion with God in the difficult conditions of modern reality. For this purpose, he conducted many conversations, tirelessly asked for God's support, nursed thousands of believers and undertook a missionary feat of apostolic proportions, which resulted in the revival of the hesychast tradition in many monasteries in Greece and its incredible flourishing in the United States. The cornerstone and main motive of all his undertakings was the Jesus Prayer and the spread of the heritage of the culture of "mental doing" in the nowadays society, which is poor by the grace of God.

The Elder's teaching on prayer, partly offered in this publication to the Chinese reader, is the essence of ascetic tradition of the Holy Mountain, an expression of the true experience of the path of purification, enlightenment and deification. He personally walked this path to the end, as evidenced by his countless miracles, and, to a greater extent, the fact that he led along this path many loving and obedient followers.

The first stage of the project will result in the translation of this book.
The deadline for the completion of the layout of the texts is late December 2021, 
Project budget 36,000 US dollars (translation, editing, layout of e-book).

We ask you to support this project. Upon completion of the fist stage of this project we plan to print paper version of the book.  

Monastery of St. Anthony the Great, Arizona, USA

You can support the project by offering donations here:

Please mark "ELDER JOSEPH" as an purpose of your donation.

1800 HKD
