Next service: April 01, 19:00


Icon of Saint Nicholas of Japan
Myrrh Streaming Icon of Saint Nicholas of Japan visits Romanian Parish of Saint George in Japan
Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross
The Feast of the Holy Cross in Hong Kong
Hierarchical Celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Orthodox Church of Apostles Saints Peter and Paul
Chinese Orthodox Panagia
Historical Panagia Gifted to Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Hong Kong
New Version of Online Bookstore
A new version of the online store of Orthodox books in Chinese has been released
New Icon for the Parish
The icon of All the Saints for our parish will be painted by a contemporary icon painter
Easter Celebration of clergymen of China
Orthodox Community Rector Fr. Ioann Shchelokov visited Hong Kong Orthodox Church
Orthodox "Day of Joy" in Hong Kong
Radonitsa, which means "Day of Joy" in Russian celebrated on Hong Kong Cemetery