Next service: March 27, 19:00

The Relics of Our Church

Icon of Apostles Saints Peter and Paul. It belongs our parish before its closing in 1972, later it was transferred to Melbourne, for Church of Sts.Peter and Paul. Icon returned to Hong Kong by Fr. Igor Filianovsky after re-opening of our parish.

Particles of the holy relics of St. John the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco were handed over to the parishes of Russian Orthodox Church in Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai by the bishop of Seattle Theodosius (Ivaschenko) in October, 2008. The particle of the holy relics of the sanctifier is enclosed in the icon of St John in the Ss Apostles Peter and Paul Church.

The icon with a particle of the holy relics of St. Gurias of Tavria the head of Beijing Mission and one of the patron saints of China, was handed over to Ss Peter and Paul parish by the Metropolitan of Kiev Vladimir (Sabodan) in November, 2008.

The icon with particles of the holy relics of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov was donated to the parish by the Metropolitan of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas George (Danilov) in May, 2016.

The icon of the Venerable Innokenty of Irkutsk with a particle of his holy relics inside is especially honoured by the parishioners. The icon was donated to the parish by the Irkutsk Orthodox Brotherhood in the name of St. Innokenty with the blessing of Vadim, the Metropolitan of Irkutsk and Angara.


The icon of the Holy Apostle Matthew with a particle of the holy relics of the Evangelist and the icon of the Hieromartyr Zenobius with particles of his holy relics were donated to the Church by Archpriest Sergius Romanov, the Rector of the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles Church in Moscow.

The reliquary with particles of the holy relics of Apostle James, Brother of the Lord, Apostle Andrew the First-called, particles of the sepulchre of Our Lady and of the Holy Sepulchre, the particles of the holy relics of St. Nicolas the Wonderworker, St. John Chrysostom, Rostov Sanctifiers Dimitry, Ignatius and Isaiah, St. Lucas of Crimea, St. Innokenty of Kherson, St. Athanasius of Kovrov, St. Ignatius of Caucasus, Martyr St. Rufinus, the Great Martyrs Ss Florentine, Tryphon, Constantine, Boniface, Hieromartyrs Ss Gennady of Lisichansk, Nicolas of Iskrovka, Sergius of Vassilievka, Martyrs Ss Kyrill and Prokhor of Vassilievka, Venerable Anthony the Great, Venerable Alexis Carpatho-Russian, the Great Martyr Pantaleon, Venerable Theodore of Zverinets, Venerable Barsanuphius of Kherson, Venerable Helena of Florus Monastery, Venerable Anastassia of Kiev, Venerable Seraphim of Glinsk Hermitage, Righteous Jonas of Odessa, Righteous Theodosius of Balta and Blessed Dominica of Aleshki.

The altar cross with a particle of the Venerable Wood of the Life-Creating Cross of the Lord donated by Jordanville Orthodox Seminary, ROCOR.

The icon of the Holy Elders of the Optina Pustyn with a particle of the holy relics of the Venerable Anatoly of Opta is donated by its author, an icon-painter Deacon Vladimir Grigoriev (St. Petersburg).

Icon of St.Sptridon of Trimiphund with part of his holy relics.

Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Hong Kong. This icon symbolizes the patronage of the Mother of God over Hong Kong and China. Peonies at the foot of the throne with Chinese ornament symbolize China, and the flower of Hong Kong bauhinia (orchid) on the omophorion of the Most Holy Theotokos reveals Her patronage over Hong Kong as the city that connects the Church in Mainland China and the Orthodox Church around the rest of the world.
The icon was painted by St. Petersburg icon painter Dmitry Selivanov. Fundraising for painting of the icon was held around the world, a significant contribution was made by Orthodox believers from Germany in memory of the first rector of the Hong Kong parish archpriest Dimitriy Uspensky. The board for the icon and some of the materials for its painting were offered by the widow of deacon Vladimir Grigoriev, who intended to begin work on this image.

Icon of Holy Apostle Thomas “My Lord and my God!” The Church will place a small piece of relic of St. Apostle Thomas into the icon (left lower corner). The relic once belonged to Bishop Dositheus (Ivanchenko).
The iconographer Mrs Cinde Lee from London has offered to our Church this work and wishes to convey appreciation towards Mr Aidan Hart of Shropshire, UK, whose icon was use as the prototype of the one now in Sts Peter and Paul, and to Elena Antonova of the Prosopon School in Moscow who supervised the writing of this work.
