Next service: March 27, 19:00

Prison mission

"I was in prison and you came to visit me"  Matthew 25:36

Clerics and parish members are visiting prisoners in Hong Kong, but we are in a lack of volunteers and so we invite you to participate in such a social service. If you have a desire to participate in this service, do not hesitate to contact father Anthony in person or by email. Our parish email: [email protected]

At the moment, there are around 10 Russian-speaking prisoners in four prisons of Hong Kong, and unfortunately, the amount of prisoners continues to increase. Thereby, we are in need of volunteers and financial support. Prisoners need someone to talk with, they are also in need of other help, which cannot be provided by two-three volunteers on a regular basis. It is desirable to visit prisoners in each correctional institution twice a month, consequently, 8 times a month, taking into consideration all four prisons. This requires both time and support. We would be very grateful if you could find a time for visiting at least one prison once in a month. Starting with July 2017 our parish is receiving donations from a charity foundation "Rus Sidyaschaya" (Русь сидящая), nonetheless, it is small, limited financial support.

How can we help?

Prisoners require a certain kind of personal care products, those prisoners who are under investigation are also allowed to receive certain kind of foodstuffs, that can be purchased in special stores. While living in a restricted area prisoners are suffering from an intellectual hunger and are in need of talks and interesting book on a variety of topics. In this regard, we also would be grateful for any donations of books and magazines (both in English and especially in Russian). Only paperback Books are excepted!
