Next service: February 23, 10:00

Myrrh Streaming Icon of Saint Nicholas of Japan visits Romanian Parish of Saint George in Japan

On the 13th of October to the 16th of October our myrrh streaming icon of Saint Nicholas of Japan was welcomed with much joy and veneration in the Romanian Parish of Saint George in Japan, Tokyo. People not only from Japan came to venerate the icon, but also from Osaka. 

A Canon was done for the Saint Nicholas of Japan on Friday October the 14th, the same day in which Saint Paraskeva of the Balkans is venerated (new calendar). Afterwards, he began to exude myhrr which brought much peace, joy and grace to the people that where present when this event occurred.

Saint Nicholas of Japan streaming myhhr after a Cannon was done to him. The whole parish felt it as a blessing. 

Deacon Ilias and Father Daniel carrying out the Vigil 

On Sunday the 15th of October, the Divine Liturgy was carried out as well as an Akathist to Saint Nicholas of Japan. This lead to another miraculous event in which Saint Nicholas of Japan began to stream myrrh all over the icon, the icon looked as if it was ‘sweating’ myrrh. 

Another blessing for the Mission in Japan!

People that where present for the miracle/s increased their veneration to Saint Nicholas of Japan and felt that he gave a blessing to the Mission in Japan and a fountain of strength for spiritual struggle. 

3 women praying the akathist to Saint Nicholas of Japan
