Next service: March 07, 13:00


23 November (Saturday) 2019 at 13:00-16:00
24 November (Sunday) 2019 at 12:00-15:00

In the Hall of the Saint Apostles Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Hong Kong

Meeting and auditions for a new music education group

Music education group SOLFEGGIO

An engaging theoretical and practical method for studying the most fundamental of musical disciplines – solfeggio. Classes for musical play for different age groups.

Please register for an audition by telephone +852 5595 6374 or e-mail [email protected]

Address: Saint Apostles Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, 12 FL., Kingdom Power Commercial Building, 32-36 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Age groups:

No. 1 “Magic flute” 4-7 years;
No. 2 “Lyre of inspiration” 8-11 years;
No. 3 “Aeolian harp” 11-15 years;
No. 4 “Apollo, Euterpe and Pythagoras” 16 years and above

Length of sessions for age groups 1 and 2:

90 minutes (40 minutes – 10-minute break – 40 minutes)

Length of sessions for age groups 3 and 4:

Group and individual lessons by agreement

Number of lessons per week:

Twice per week for age groups 1 and 2

Days and times:

Wednesday 19:00-20:30
Saturday 13:00-14:30

Sessions conducted in English and Russian

How much does it cost?

HK$1,200 for set of eight sessions
Payment to be made in advance in cash or by cheque to “Russian Language Center Limited”
Phone: +852 5595 6374 Е-mail: [email protected]

Where do the lessons take place?

St. Peter and St. Paul Orthodox Church 12 FL., Kingdom Power Commercial Building, 32-36 Des Voeux Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
E-mail: [email protected]

Who is the teacher?

Tatyana Shuttleworth musicologist (PhD, Manchester University, UK), performer singer (MMus, UK) and conductor (Russia). Main musicological specialisation “Russian opera in the first half of the 20th century”. Considerable performing and teaching experience. Contact details: +852 5595 6374; Е-mail: [email protected]

What is solfeggio?
 Music is an art form. Solfeggio is a fundamental discipline for learning to be a musician.

 The study of solfeggio permits us to understand how sounds are organised, relate to and combine with each other in pitch and time and to be aware of the influence that these sounds exert on people’s imaginations and everyday lives.

For what purpose?
 The study of solfeggio allows students of different ages to develop a particular system of knowledge and skills needed for an understanding of the world about us and most immediately to utilise this knowledge in possible professional musical practice.
 The main focus in the solfeggio classes is on training musical hearing, memory and thinking and on developing the musical potential of children and adults.
 The classes include: the theoretical study of elementary musical literacy, the gradual acquisition of the ability to do musical dictations, the aural analysis of different harmonies and sound combinations and the development of musical imagination.
 The practical solfeggio classes pay particular attention to initial voice formation: basic singing skills, correct breathing, pure intonation in the reproduction of living sound, the skills of solo and ensemble singing, the pronunciation of the literary text and the poetic word with a clear diction.

How are the lessons structured?
 As a sequence of aural, visual and kinetic exercises of engaging play that are appr opriate to different age groups in terms of the frequency of changes in activity.

Author of the project and text © Tatyana Shuttleworth
