Next service: February 09, 10:00

Orthodox Innovation

Hong Kong-Blagoveshensk.

news_grant_mainA joint partnership project of the Blagoveshensk diocese & the Hong Kong Russian orthodox community, have conquered the competition: Orthodox Innovation. 29th March, coordinating commission on expanding the social, educational, informational, cultural & other initiatives, under authority of the Russian Orthodox Church have chosen 336 ideas, which would receive financial aid from a grant fund of 129 million rubles in 2016. Within which, the joint project of the missionary section of the Blagoveshensk eparchy & in the name of the saint apostles Peter & Paul; the Russian Orthodox Church in Hong Kong <<Orthodoxy in China>> (Specificity of <<culture>>), suggesting to hold an exhibition, under the same name, in numerous cities in China (Harbin, Dalian, Beijing, Shanghai & Hong Kong).
